Sugar alcohol is an artificial sweetener commonly used in frozen foods and replacement meal supplements as a replacement for table sugar. Sugar alcohols are made up of carbohydrates and part of their ingredients also resembles sugar, and in part also has a resemblance to alcohol. You may recognize some of these names on some sugar free items that you purchase; sorbitol, isomalt and xylitol. Sugar alcohols have fewer calories than sugar and when used in combination with foods and sweets with artificial sweeteners it can change the unpleasant taste of some high intensity sweeteners. When heated Sugar alcohols will not caramelize due to the fact they are not metabolized by oral bacteria.
Sugar free chewing gum is a popular choice for people that are low carb dieters or they are calorie conscious. It does not have any calories and although sweet it will not cause tooth decay. For diabetics, Sugar Alcohols are a safer option in comparison to regular sugar. It is misleading to believe that these alcohol sugars are carb free because they are not. However, they are considerably lower in carbs compared to regular table sugar. Sugar alcohol does not completely absorb into the blood stream through the small intestines which means that it has a result of a lower change in the effect of blood glucose levels. Because the sugar alcohol does not completely absorb while still in the bowel it will hold water creating a diarrhea effect, or lose bowels. Many low carb foods have began using sugar alcohol as alternative sweeteners to accommodate the low carb diets that are so popular. When you eating sugar free gum or candy you may experience a cooling sensation. This is the dissolving of the sugar alcohol taking place when it meets a heating solution. The alcohol sugar in combination with the saliva creates a cooling sensation.
You will be able to locate sugar alcohols on the ingredient label if the item has been prepared with it. Although, most sugar alcohols are not as sweet as regular sugar, therefore more is needed to give the desired sweetness that you may be trying to reach. There are different variations of sweetness among artificial alcohol sweeteners and they each have a different impact on the way they affect blood sugar levels. Most people that have adapted to a healthy eating plan but lowering their carb intake have found sugar alcohol as an alternative to having sweets or eating food that requires sugar as an ingredient. Low carb food along with eating healthy food and maintaining a weight loss program can easily be structured with the use of sugar alcohol. It is important to keep in mind that alcohol sugars alone cannot create a weight loss on any level. It is important to adjust to healthy eating and exercise. Doing that in combination with choosing to eat foods with lower carbs can prove to be beneficial in weight loss.