Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What are good protein sources

People who follow the South Beach, Paleolithic, or Low GI Diet eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, healthy fat, protein, and low GI foods. About 1/3 of the calories come from protein in the form of eggs, cheese, and meat. Dieters consume meat such as lean beef, pork tenderloin, turkey breast, salmon, etc. Each diet has its own list of recommended foods and sources of protein.
If you follow the Caveman Diet, for instance, you can have lean hamburgers, pork chops, flank steak, and chuck steak. Followers of the Atkins Diet can choose from different protein sources such as fish, lamb, venison, mutton, and beef. Dieters can have poultry and meat, including duck, goose, chicken, and ham and bacon.
Acceptable sources of protein include club steak, fillet steak, and tenderloin roast. Dieters can also eat veal, lamb, pork, and lunch meats. If you like shellfish, you can eat scallops, mussels, and lobster. Fish contains essential nutrients such as phosphorus and niacin and is low in sodium. Eggs and dairy products are also good sources of protein. Dieters can have cheese and heavy cream, but they should avoid reduced and fat-free products. Good sources of protein include Swiss, Cheddar, and other medium cheeses. Seeds and nuts also supply protein, minerals, and vitamins. Seeds, for example, are an excellent source of dietary fiber and are low in sodium and cholesterol. Seeds are packed with magnesium, thiamin, and dietary fiber. Seeds and nuts offer a number of benefits such as reduced risk for heart disease and lower LDL. Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, nuts also supply healthy unsaturated fats. They are an important source of arginine, a type of protein, which lowers high blood pressure and aids blood vessel relaxation. Peanuts, for example, are an excellent source of manganese and niacin and contain iron and calcium. Nuts contain antioxidants that help protect the heart and lower the risk for coronary heart disease. According to some studies, peanuts contain substances that lower the risk for stroke. Almonds are an excellent source of dietary fiber and protein and are loaded with vitamin E, antioxidants, and calcium. Pistachios are a good source of manganese, copper, and vitamin B6.
People on the Atkins, South Beach, or Zone Diet are also encouraged to eat foods with monounsaturated fats and fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables that are low in sugar and carbohydrates and should be eaten by dieters. Dieters can choose from a large variety of low-carb vegetables, including celery, okra, and asparagus. It is recommended to choose vegetables and fruits with a low glycemic index value such as raw carrots, onions, and cauliflower.
Some fruits have high GI, including watermelon and dates, and should be avoided. In general, people who follow the GI Diet can choose from low and medium GI dairies, legumes, vegetables, and grains. Grains with a low glycemic index value include heavy mixed grain, linseed, and whole wheat. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Get rid of these foods and you will be healthier

Our menu includes many foods that are high in sodium, sugar, and refined carbohydrates and increase the risk for liver problems, overweight, and cancer. Foods and drinks such as fried chicken, margarine, soda, and deep fried cheese sticks should be avoided. Margarine, for example, contains trans fats, and solid margarines have more unhealthy fats. It increases the risk for cancer and heart diseases, decreases insulin response, and weakens the immune system. New mothers should avoid margarine if they are breastfeeding.

Products that contain a lot of salt should be avoided. The list of foods that are high in sodium includes beef jerky, bouillon cubes, salami, and soya. Table salt is associated with many health risks, including heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. The excessive consumption of foods that are high in sodium causes bone thinning and increases the risk for kidney disease. Choose foods like unprocessed grain and vegetables that contain natural sodium. In fact, sodium is important for health because it regulates muscle contraction and the fluid balance in the body. Certain conditions are associated with sodium deficiency, including confusion, lethargy, and low blood pressure.
Other cuisines such as the Japanese also feature some unhealthy foods and meals. Domestic preparation of blowfish, for example, can lead to death. Blowfish contains a powerful poison which cuts the supply of oxygen to the body and leads to asphyxia. Other foods that contain toxins include chilies, farmed fish, and oysters. This may come as a surprise, but potatoes, which are part of the Western diet, contain toxic substances. Unripe potatoes may cause joint pain and inflammation. While mushrooms are packed with important nutrients, some types of mushrooms are poisonous.

Rhubarb is low in cholesterol, sodium, and saturated fat and is an excellent source of manganese, potassium, calcium, and healthy fiber. Yet, the leaves contain a toxin that causes weakness, seizures, and kidney stones. Cross-contamination is the major cause for vegetable and fruit poisoning. In fact, death cases have been reported in countries like Turkey. Tapioca, chocolate, and tomatoes also contain toxic substances such as theobromine, glycoalkaloids, and cyanide. Some people are also allergic to foods such as walnuts, crab, and lobster. People who are allergic often experience abdominal pain, weakness, light-headedness, and asthma.

Foods that are loaded with sugar are also unhealthy and include soft drinks, molasses, pies, candies, and spreads. Soft drinks contain up to 94 percent sugar while nougat has about 83 percent sugar. Sugar is associated with many modern diseases such as heart problems, obesity, and certain cancers. In addition, the consumption of sugar-laden products increases bad cholesterol, causes eczema, and prevents protein absorption by the body. Sugar can cause cancer and weakened eyesight. It is better to limit consumption and include more fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, apples, and others.